Materials | Pencils


Using Keith Haring's book, TEN as a starting point, children will learn to quantify and visually depict numbers.


Using Keith Haring's book, BIG, Children will write and illustrate all the words they know for the word small.

Red and Blue

This collaborative project, inspired by a set of prints Haring made titled, RED AND BLUE, asks children to interpret classmates' abstract shapes and write or tell a story about them.


A writing lesson that asks children to determine questions to elicit interesting and revealing biographies of other children.


Using examples of Keith's own progressive posters as a springboard, students are encouraged to create their own messages in the form of a public poster.

Flip Books

This lesson, similar to our Morphs lesson, is designed for children to examine the visual quality of movement in Haring's work, emphasizing sequence and time.


Along with defining Keith's goals and strategies for his life as an artist, children will consider their own aspirations and strategies necessary to attain their goals.

Art & The Berlin Wall

This lesson, developed by a graduate student at the University of New Mexico, explores the relationship between Cold War politics, the people who were affected by it, and the artists who examined it. Using the Berlin Wall as a focal point, students have the opportunity to create their own "walls".

Haring Cooperative Quilt

Students work together to make a quilt inspired by the life and vision of Keith Haring.

Drawing Movement

This local New York City school used Keith Haring's art to inspire a lesson on expressing movement in drawing.

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