Age/Grade | Elementary 1

I Can Dance to the Music of Everything

This children-designed book explores rhyming, musical inventions, rhythm and dance using the process of printmaking.

Tabletop Graffiti Mural

Tabletop Graffiti Mural

When an art teacher from a YMCA in Florida decided to clean up her shabby tables and teach her students about graffiti art, she decided to combine the projects and revive the tables with art! A strong emphasis on collaboration and cooperation led to a classroom full of personalized furniture.

Fence Mural

Fence Mural

This ambitious teacher created a fence mural with her students in Sarasota, Florida. Each student's figure drawings becoming full-scale figurative paintings on a bright and bold playground fence.

Drawings & Collage

Drawings & Collage

Sent in by the YMCA in Sarasota, FLorida, this lesson explores the use of multiple figures in the medium of collage.

On the Move

To explore students' perceptions of movement and how it can be expressed in images.
Make a visual diary of how you move throughout the day.

Tools for Discussing Haring’s Work

By maintaining a framework to lead a discussion, this outline will help make looking at, talking about, and responding to art less intimidating.


Students can create their own symbolic windows into their imaginations.

The Sky

Students will create images of the sky that convey their moods and feelings.

Self Portraits from the Future

Students will make craypa self portraits of what they might look like in 100 years.

Fish Collages

Exploring color and pattern through collage, this lesson was produced by a college student majoring in Art Education.

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